As this treatise is calculated for the improvement of the rising generation of the Females in America, the Lady of fashion and fortune will not be displeased, if many hints are suggested for the more general and universal knowledge of those females in this county, who by the loss of their parents, or other unfortunate circumstances, are reduced to the necessity of going into families in the line of domestics, or taking refuge with their friends or relations, and doing those things which are really essential to the perfecting them as good wives, and useful members of society.
The orphan, tho' left to the care of virtuous guardians, will find it essentially necessary to have an opinion and determination of her own. The world, and the fashion thereof is so variable, that old people cannot accommodate themselves to the various changes and fashions which daily occur; they will adhere to the fashion of their day, and will not surrender their attachments to the good old way---while the young and the gay, bend and conform readily to the taste if the times, and fancy of the hour.
By having an opinion and determination, I would not be understood to mean an obstinate perseverance in trifles, which borders on obstinacy---by no means, but only to mean an adherence to those rules and maxims which have stood the left of ages, and will forever establish the female thereafter, a virtuous character---altho' they conform to the ruling taste of the age in cookery, dress, language, manners, etc.
It must ever remain a check upon the poor solitary orphan, that while those females who have parents, brothers, or riches, to defend their indiscretions, that the orphan must depend solely upon character. How immensely important, therefore, that every action, every word, every thought, be regulated by the strictest purity, and that every movement meet the approbation of the good and wife.
The candor of the American Ladies is solicitously intreated by the Authoress, as she is circumscribed in her knowledge, this being an original work in this country. Should any future editions appear, she hopes to render it more valuable.
I have to add my own opinion to this, this "American Cookery" was written by Amelia Simmons an American orphan. She was self taught or helped by others who were also in her situation. As this blog goes on there is a wealth of knowledge, not only cookery, but lifestyle, manners, dress, language, etc. It has been trying for me to make sure I have the words spelled correctly, back when this book was printed they used what looks like an "f" for an "s". Also some words that were usually not used in the last few generations. So, we will all learn something new.
The picture above is from an old house in New England. If only the walls could talk or we could taste some of the food which was prepared there. We have come so far since those early times of America, it boggles the mind to even think about the changes in our lives from generation to generation.